Hi all,
I would like to have my vbsript call a Java Applet and wait for it to finish. When it finishes I want to pop up a small results window with an image and three buttons. The address for the image I get from the Java Applet. I would like to know if I can share variables between windows. I guess I could pass the address of the image in URL but that won't work for the buttons. I need to know what button they pushed and then close the pop up. Here is the algorithm.
Call the applet
while NoAppletResponse
Set msgWindow = window.open(...)
'Here is where I want to set some variables in the new pop up window
Set msgWindow.imgSrc = " yada"
PS I have heard of a document.all.variable but of course that won't work for me. I found a link that can do it in JavaScript but my applet will crash for some reason in JS. Here is the link to the JS site if that helps any:
I would like to have my vbsript call a Java Applet and wait for it to finish. When it finishes I want to pop up a small results window with an image and three buttons. The address for the image I get from the Java Applet. I would like to know if I can share variables between windows. I guess I could pass the address of the image in URL but that won't work for the buttons. I need to know what button they pushed and then close the pop up. Here is the algorithm.
Call the applet
while NoAppletResponse
Set msgWindow = window.open(...)
'Here is where I want to set some variables in the new pop up window
Set msgWindow.imgSrc = " yada"
PS I have heard of a document.all.variable but of course that won't work for me. I found a link that can do it in JavaScript but my applet will crash for some reason in JS. Here is the link to the JS site if that helps any: