Hi Can anyone please help with the following
I have the following code below to insert an object into selected Cells in excel
When the object icon is inserted it's size is bigger than the cell. I would like to adjust the icon to a specific size or automatically fit the cell
Is this possible in VB and if yes could you please help me with the code
Here is my current code
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim vFile As Variant
Dim CSel As String
Set PreAttDocs = [D1]
CSel = "C7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "D7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "E7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "F7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "G7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "H7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "I7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "J7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "K7"
vFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("All Files,*.*", Title:="Find file to insert")
If LCase(vFile) = "false" Then Exit Sub
FN = InStrRev(vFile, "\", -1, vbTextCompare) + 1
FN2 = Mid(vFile, FN)
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add Filename:= _
vFile, Link:= _
False, DisplayAsIcon:=True, IconFileName:= _
"C:\WINNT\Installer\{90140000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}\icons.exe", _
IconIndex:=0, IconLabel:=FN2
Range(CSel).Value = 1
End Sub
I have the following code below to insert an object into selected Cells in excel
When the object icon is inserted it's size is bigger than the cell. I would like to adjust the icon to a specific size or automatically fit the cell
Is this possible in VB and if yes could you please help me with the code
Here is my current code
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim vFile As Variant
Dim CSel As String
Set PreAttDocs = [D1]
CSel = "C7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "D7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "E7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "F7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "G7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "H7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "I7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "J7"
If Range(CSel).Value = 1 Then CSel = "K7"
vFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("All Files,*.*", Title:="Find file to insert")
If LCase(vFile) = "false" Then Exit Sub
FN = InStrRev(vFile, "\", -1, vbTextCompare) + 1
FN2 = Mid(vFile, FN)
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add Filename:= _
vFile, Link:= _
False, DisplayAsIcon:=True, IconFileName:= _
"C:\WINNT\Installer\{90140000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}\icons.exe", _
IconIndex:=0, IconLabel:=FN2
Range(CSel).Value = 1
End Sub