Technical User
Private Sub Command_DALL_Click()
Dim intReturn As Integer
Dim tv As TaggedValues
Dim prdGroup1 As String
Dim prdGroup2 As String
Dim prdGroup3 As String
prdGroup = "nothing."
Set tv = New TaggedValues
tv.Text = Me.dallln2heritageph.Tag
If tv.Exists("PrdGrp") Then
prdGroup1 = tv.Item("PrdGrp")
End If
[highlight #8AE234]intReturn = MsgBox("The product group tag for the first control is
prdGroup1 & vbInformation, "Command Button")[/highlight]
Could I please get some assistance with my intReturn statement? I am receiving compile and syntax errors and am not able to correct the parameters. Newbie here...go easy on me!
Dim intReturn As Integer
Dim tv As TaggedValues
Dim prdGroup1 As String
Dim prdGroup2 As String
Dim prdGroup3 As String
prdGroup = "nothing."
Set tv = New TaggedValues
tv.Text = Me.dallln2heritageph.Tag
If tv.Exists("PrdGrp") Then
prdGroup1 = tv.Item("PrdGrp")
End If
[highlight #8AE234]intReturn = MsgBox("The product group tag for the first control is
prdGroup1 & vbInformation, "Command Button")[/highlight]
Could I please get some assistance with my intReturn statement? I am receiving compile and syntax errors and am not able to correct the parameters. Newbie here...go easy on me!