So I have a dropdown box that I have filled with two values: AFD, CFD. All I'm trying to do is to get a text box (txtComp) to change its value to that of a dropdown list box (cmbCompany) selection. For some reason I cannot get the text box to reflect this data. I can't even get the text box to just say "CFD" like below with an index change in the dropdown box (which is initially set to "AFD" onload). When I run the debugger and change the dropdown box's values it never recognizes that the "cmbCompany_SelectedIndexChanged" sub (below) is never even initiated. Am I missing something? What all do I need to do to make the txtComp value change to that of the dropdown box on an index change? Thanks for your help!
Public Sub cmbCompany_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbCompany.SelectedIndexChanged
Me.txtComp.Text = "CFD"
End Sub
Public Sub cmbCompany_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbCompany.SelectedIndexChanged
Me.txtComp.Text = "CFD"
End Sub