I'm kinda new to this VB in Excel thing, so bear with me on this one.
We have a program here at our facility which monitors thousands of alarm points. Activity of these alarm points can be exported to an excell file. An entry would look something like this:
Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D
3/21/08 12:20:07 MPT 081 Forced Door Alarm
We get about 9500 of this per day. What we would like to do is create a macro where it starts at cell D1 and goes down the list. When it gets to a cell which contains the words "Forced Door" or "violated door" or "Door held open" etc, it will copy that entire row and paste it off to the side. So after we search through all 9500 per day, we end up with a list to one side of all the alarms of a particular type. My hang up is having the macro search the text within a cell. I was looking at something along the lines of this (which I know is incorrect):
If Text = "Violated Door" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Rows("1:1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(7, 2).Range("A1").Select
End If
Any help sould be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
We have a program here at our facility which monitors thousands of alarm points. Activity of these alarm points can be exported to an excell file. An entry would look something like this:
Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D
3/21/08 12:20:07 MPT 081 Forced Door Alarm
We get about 9500 of this per day. What we would like to do is create a macro where it starts at cell D1 and goes down the list. When it gets to a cell which contains the words "Forced Door" or "violated door" or "Door held open" etc, it will copy that entire row and paste it off to the side. So after we search through all 9500 per day, we end up with a list to one side of all the alarms of a particular type. My hang up is having the macro search the text within a cell. I was looking at something along the lines of this (which I know is incorrect):
If Text = "Violated Door" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Rows("1:1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(7, 2).Range("A1").Select
End If
Any help sould be greatly appreciated. Thanks!