I am trying to create a Picture Viewer project! On the main form you can select drives, dir, and files. I can view the pictures correctly on the main form.
However when I try a print preview, the scaling of the pictures do not work. I have a dropdown combo box so that I can select different sizes of that pic. This does not work.
Can someone point me in the right direction! My code is below!
Thankyou in advance for any help!
i = 0 ' this var is declared public in module
If cboScale.List(0) Then
i = 0.25
ElseIf cboScale.List(1) Then
i = 0.5
ElseIf cboScale.List(2) Then
i = 1
ElseIf cboScale.List(3) Then
i = 1.25
ElseIf cboScale.List(4) Then
i = 1.5
ElseIf cboScale.List(5) Then
i = 2
ElseIf cboScale.List(6) Then
i = 3
ElseIf cboScale.List(7) Then
i = 4
End If
MousePointer = vbHourglass
' Make Pic(0) the correct size.
wid = Pic(0).Width + Pic(0).Width * i
hgt = Pic(0).Height + Pic(0).Height * i
' Copy the hidden picture into PreviewPict.
Pic(0).PaintPicture Pic(0).Image, _
0, 0, _
wid, _
Pic(0).Move 0, 0, wid, hgt
ScrollReset2 ' call to reset srollbars
MousePointer = vbDefault
However when I try a print preview, the scaling of the pictures do not work. I have a dropdown combo box so that I can select different sizes of that pic. This does not work.
Can someone point me in the right direction! My code is below!
Thankyou in advance for any help!
i = 0 ' this var is declared public in module
If cboScale.List(0) Then
i = 0.25
ElseIf cboScale.List(1) Then
i = 0.5
ElseIf cboScale.List(2) Then
i = 1
ElseIf cboScale.List(3) Then
i = 1.25
ElseIf cboScale.List(4) Then
i = 1.5
ElseIf cboScale.List(5) Then
i = 2
ElseIf cboScale.List(6) Then
i = 3
ElseIf cboScale.List(7) Then
i = 4
End If
MousePointer = vbHourglass
' Make Pic(0) the correct size.
wid = Pic(0).Width + Pic(0).Width * i
hgt = Pic(0).Height + Pic(0).Height * i
' Copy the hidden picture into PreviewPict.
Pic(0).PaintPicture Pic(0).Image, _
0, 0, _
wid, _
Pic(0).Move 0, 0, wid, hgt
ScrollReset2 ' call to reset srollbars
MousePointer = vbDefault