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VB COM component working on MTS but not under win 2K

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Aug 16, 2004
I have developed a VB COM component which is working on MTS under windows NT 4.0 server but not under win 2K under component services. Errors out on Set objDBUtil = objContxt.CreateInstance("PTSDUTIL.DataAccess"). Error is type mismatch at createinstance.

Thanks, I would really appreciate any help.


Code as follows:

Public Function fValidateLogon(sUserID As String, _
sPassWord As String, _
sIPAddress As String, _
sBrowserInfo As String) As String

Dim StrSql As String

Dim dblSessionID As Double
Dim strRetVal As String

Dim objContxt As ObjectContext
Dim objRS As ADODB.Recordset

Dim objDBUtil As PTSDUTIL.DataAccess
Dim intColcnt As Variant
Dim lngRowCnt As Variant
Dim strErrTxt As Variant

strRetVal = "0"

On Error GoTo fValidateLogon_Err

'Get the Object Context
Set objContxt = GetObjectContext


'Creating the Instance of UTIL DATA ACCESS Component.
sUserID = Trim(UCase(sUserID))

StrSql = "Select staff_id from T019_STAFF_PROFILE " & _
" where upper(STAFF_ID) = '" & sUserID & _
"' AND upper(PASSWORD) ='" & Trim(UCase(sPassWord)) & "'"

Set objDBUtil = objContxt.CreateInstance("PTSDUTIL.DataAccess")

Set objRS = objDBUtil.GetDataRS(StrSql, intColcnt, lngRowCnt, strErrTxt)

Set objRS = Nothing

If strErrTxt <> "0" Then
GoTo fValidateLogon_Err
End If

If lngRowCnt > 0 Then

'Not an end of file, So there is some record in it.
StrSql = "SELECT session_id from
Set objRS = objDBUtil.GetDataRS(StrSql, intColcnt, lngRowCnt, strErrTxt)
If strErrTxt <> "0" Then
GoTo fValidateLogon_Err
End If

If lngRowCnt > 0 Then

dblSessionID = objRS!session_id
dblSessionID = dblSessionID + 1

Set objRS = Nothing

' PCR : 64624 : 09/04/03 Start
If Len(sBrowserInfo) > 80 Then
sBrowserInfo = Mid(sBrowserInfo, 1, 80)
End If
' PCR : 64624 : 09/04/03 End

'Update the table
StrSql = "UPDATE set session_id = " & dblSessionID

If Not objDBUtil.ExecuteSQL(StrSql, strErrTxt) Then
GoTo fValidateLogon_Err
End If

'Insert into table
StrSql = "INSERT INTO ip_address, " & _
" first_access_datetime, last_access_datetime)" & _
" values(" & dblSessionID & ",'" & sIPAddress & _

If Not objDBUtil.ExecuteSQL(StrSql, strErrTxt) Then
GoTo fValidateLogon_Err
End If

'Insert into table
StrSql = "INSERT INTO staff_id, " & _
" login_datetime, logout_datetime, browser_info, remote_addr)" & _
" values( " & dblSessionID & " ,'" & sUserID & "', sysdate, NULL,'" & _
sBrowserInfo & "','" & sIPAddress & "')"

If Not objDBUtil.ExecuteSQL(StrSql, strErrTxt) Then
GoTo fValidateLogon_Err
End If

strRetVal = CStr(dblSessionID)

End If
strRetVal = "-1"
End If


If strRetVal <> "-1" Then
'Insert into table
StrSql = "INSERT INTO argument_name, " & _
" argument_value) values(" & dblSessionID & _
",'userid','" & sUserID & "')"

If Not objDBUtil.ExecuteSQL(StrSql, strErrTxt) Then
GoTo fValidateLogon_Err
End If
End If

'Commit the Transactions


fValidateLogon = strRetVal

If Not objRS Is Nothing Then
If objRS.State = adStateOpen Then
End If
Set objRS = Nothing
End If

If Not objDBUtil Is Nothing Then
Set objDBUtil = Nothing
End If

If Not objContxt Is Nothing Then
Set objContxt = Nothing
End If

Exit Function


strRetVal = CStr(strErrTxt)

If strRetVal = "" Then
strRetVal = " Unknown Error Occured in PTSDCHKLOGIN - fValidateLogon " & Err.Number & Err.Description & StrSql
End If


GoTo fValidateLogon_Exit

End Function
Have you upgraded your app to use the COM+ Admin Type library instead of the MTS object model? CreateInstance is no longer required in COM+ (you can use createobject and if it is a com+ object it will still be enlisted in the same transaction).

Something to try anyways. Good luck!
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