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Variables in the url 1

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Jun 6, 2003
i want to be able to pass variables within the url. how can i do this?

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Append to the URL:


...for each variable desired. The 'X' should be replaced by a '?' for the first variable, and an '&' for each subsequent variable.

For example:

this.location = this.location.href + "?name=personnel&date=today&showall=false";

Good luck.

it's actually reading the variables at the other end that i'm having difficulty with.

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At the other end:

var params = this.location.search.substring(1).split('&');
for(var i=0; i<params.length; i++)

Of course, you won't 'alert' the params, you'll do something else with them, but this will prove to you that you caught them in an array.

The substring(1) slices off the '?' from the beginning, then the split('&') divides up the list, creating new array indeces each time it encounters an '&'.

Note, however, that a peculiarity of javascript seems (in IE6, anyway) to capture at least one BLANK param if there is no parameter list. Therefore, you might need a little check like this:

var params = this.location.search.substring(1).split('&');
for(var i=0; i<params.length; i++)
 [b]if(params[i] != "")[/b]

Good luck!

or if you're using a server side script like ASP you could do something like this:

the address:

the code:
a = Request.Querystring(a);
b = Request.Querystring(b);


lfi, you method seems to want the variables writing without their variable names, as outlined in your first post, but that's just fine. thanks for the help. i may choose to keep the variable names for verification, then take the operand using split - but actually, a list of operands nly is more akin to my lazy style of programming.

kaht, cheers. i'm sure that information will come in usefull at some point in time.

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how can i pass a carriage space in the url? i've tried passing it as %20, but to no avail. is there something along the lines of \n i can use - but for spaces, not returns?

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You can do one of two things. If you don't mind the potential hassles that quotes bring (specifically when you start nesting quotes within quotes), you can simply use quotes around the parameter value in the URL as such:

function redrawMe()
 var currLoc = this.location.href;
 if(currLoc.indexOf('?') > -1)
  currLoc = currLoc.substring(0, currLoc.indexOf('?'));

 this.location = currLoc + "?name=[b]'Dog Walker'[/b]";

function showParam()
 var params = this.location.search.substring(1).split('&');
 for(var i=0; i<params.length; i++)
  if(params[i] != "")
<body onload='showParam();'>
<input type='button' value='redraw' onclick='redrawMe()' />

I did that with IE6. The received value shows up as '%20' where the space is. The unescape replaces '%20' with the space.

Another thing you can do is replace spaces in the outgoing code with a symbol you are certain would NOT appear in the URL otherwise. Underscores (_) typically work well for this. Then, on the receiving end, replace the underscores with spaces again.

Good luck!

all good.

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