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Variable "$.." is not imported. Global symbol "$.." requir

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Sep 29, 2000
The original error message occurred after submiting Feedback.htm,

} else { $Mailer->AddRecipient('' , 'name1@company.com' ) ; error '80004005'
Can't call method "AddRecipient" on unblessed reference.
/feedback.asp, line 35

The original file as follow:

<%@ LANGUAGE = PerlScript%>

$MAILHOST = company.com'; ## SMTP server for email page.
$Mailer = $Server->CreateObject(&quot;SMTPsvg.Mailer&quot;);

$Mailer->{'FromName'} = $Request->Form('Name')->item;
$Mailer->{'FromAddress'} = $Request->Form('Email')->item;
$Mailer->{'RemoteHost'} = $MAILHOST;
$Mailer->{'Subject'} = &quot;Comment from Feedback Page&quot;;
$Mailer->{'BodyText'} = &quot;Company / Institution: &quot; . $Request->Form('Company')->item . &quot;\n&quot; .
&quot;Telephone Number: &quot; . $Request->Form('Telephone')->item . &quot;\n&quot; .
&quot;Sender IP Address: &quot; . $Request->ServerVariables('REMOTE_ADDR')->item . &quot;\n\n\n&quot; .

if (! $Request->Form('Name')->item || ! $Request->Form('Email')->item || ! $Request->Form('Comments')->item) {
$Response->write(&quot;<BR>Error! You must fill in the Name, Email, and Comments fields. Press the back button on your browser to return to the form.<BR>&quot;);
} else {
$Mailer->AddRecipient('' , 'name1@company.com' ) ;
$Mailer->AddRecipient('' , 'name2@company.com' ) ;
$Mailer->AddRecipient('' , 'name3@company.com) ;
if ($Mailer->SendMail()) {
$Response->write(&quot;<P><FONT Size=+1>Thank you for your comments. They have been successfully sent.</FONT>&quot;);
} else {
$Response->write('<P><FONT Size=+1>An Error has occurred. Your comments have not been successfully sent.<BR>
<a href=&quot;mailto: name2@company.com&quot;>Try clicking here to invoke your local mail program
to E-mail name2@company.com</a></FONT>' );


The first reply I got is this:

¡§Are you sure that
$Mailer = $Server->CreateObject(&quot;SMTPsvg.Mailer&quot;);
creates an Object? You should check this. With
$Win32::OLE::Warn = 3;
every COM error is immediately reported and your script dies.
Hope that helps¡¨

Then I inserted use strict and my before variables, and got a new error message.

} $Response->writeblock(1); error '80004005'
Variable &quot;$Response&quot; is not imported. Global symbol &quot;$Response&quot; requires explicit package name at (eval 10) line 28.
/feedback.asp, line 45
Can you help? Thank you.

The revised file:

use strict;
my $MAILHOST = ¡¥company.com'; ## SMTP server for email page.
my $Mailer = my $Server->CreateObject(&quot;SMTPsvg.Mailer&quot;);
$Mailer->{'FromName'} = my $Request->Form('Name')->item;
$Mailer->{'FromAddress'} = $Request->Form('Email')->item;
$Mailer->{'RemoteHost'} = $MAILHOST;
$Mailer->{'Subject'} = &quot;Comment from PWD Feedback Page&quot;;
$Mailer->{'BodyText'} = &quot;Company / Institution: &quot; . $Request->Form('Company')->item . &quot;\n&quot; .
&quot;Telephone Number: &quot; . $Request->Form('Telephone')->item . &quot;\n&quot; .
&quot;Sender IP Address: &quot; . $Request->ServerVariables('REMOTE_ADDR')->item . &quot;\n\n\n&quot; .

if (! $Request->Form('Name')->item || ! $Request->Form('Email')->item || ! $Request->Form('Comments')->item) {
my $Response->write(&quot;<BR>Error! You must fill in the Name, Email, and Comments fields. Press the back button on your browser to return to the form.<BR>&quot;);
} else {
$Mailer->AddRecipient('' , 'name1@company.com' ) ;
$Mailer->AddRecipient('' , 'name2@company.com' ) ;
$Mailer->AddRecipient('' , 'name3@company.com) ;
if ($Mailer->SendMail()) {
my $Response->write(&quot;<P><FONT Size=+1>Thank you for your comments. They have been successfully sent.</FONT>&quot;);
} else {
my $Response->write(&quot;<P><FONT Size=+1>An Error has occurred. Your comments have not been successfully sent.<BR>
<a href=&quot;mailto: name2@company.com&quot;>Try clicking here to invoke your local mail program
to E-mail name2@company.com </a></FONT>&quot;);

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