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variable in variable

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Aug 23, 2001
The problem looks so: I want to dispatch a mail text which comes from database.In this mail text are variables.

<cfquery name=&quot;i&quot; datasource=&quot;#dsn#&quot;>
select langtext from TableB where nr = '1'

<cfquery name=&quot;t&quot; datasource=&quot;#dsn#&quot;>
select * from TableA where anderenr = '1'

<cfmail to=&quot;ksc@qubus.net&quot; from=&quot;me&quot; subject=&quot;anything&quot;>

In *i.longtext * are again variables. Then these variables are not dissolved how I can solve this that are dissolved the variables in a variable?

<cfmail> works just like <cfoutput>, so in the mail your code generates, the value of i.longtext will be displayed, not #i.longtext#. Looks to me like your code will work, test it. Good luck.

How about:

<cfmail to=&quot;ksc@qubus.net&quot; from=&quot;me&quot; subject=&quot;anything&quot;>
Thanx to iqf188 and gunawandjon, but both of you are wrong, because I get #i.longtext# from the database and in this longtext i get are also variables, you understand?

When i sent it, it looks like: my text my text #variable# my text my text #varible#.

it`s because coldfusion runs once.
Please help me
The only way that I can think of doing it is using one of the Replace functions. If you have several variables, you could use the ReplaceList() function.

i.longtext = &quot;And the #variable1# jumped over the #variable2#&quot;

<CFSET variable1 = &quot;cow&quot;>
<CFSET variable2 = &quot;moon&quot;>

<cfquery name=&quot;i&quot; datasource=&quot;#dsn#&quot;>
select langtext from TableB where nr = '1'

<cfmail to=&quot;ksc@qubus.net&quot; from=&quot;me&quot; subject=&quot;anything&quot;>
#ReplaceList(i.longtext, &quot;##variable1##,##variable2##&quot;, &quot;#variable1#,#variable2#&quot;)#

Would email:
And the cow jumped over the moon - tleish
try this way...
if this does not solve, let me know.

<cfquery name=&quot;i&quot; datasource=&quot;#dsn#&quot;>
select longtext from TableB where nr = '1'
<cfif i.recordcount>
<cfset longtext = i.longtext>

<cfquery name=&quot;t&quot; datasource=&quot;#dsn#&quot;>
select * from TableA where anderenr = '1'

<cfmail to=&quot;ksc@qubus.net&quot; from=&quot;me&quot; subject=&quot;anything&quot;>
Hi GoSooJJ!

It`s almost the same probleme!
Thanx for your answer but there are also the variables in the mailtext!

- in your original script, try adding output tags, e.g.:

<cfmail to=&quot;ksc@qubus.net&quot; from=&quot;me&quot; subject=&quot;anything&quot;>

- second solution try using evaluate:
cfset newValue=Evaluate(&quot;#i.longtext&quot;) Sylvano

&quot;every and each day when I learn something new is a small victory...&quot;
Oh, nothing to thanx at all!

The pleasure was on my side. Hope this helps you.


The solution:

<cfquery name=&quot;i&quot; datasource=&quot;#dsn#&quot;>
select langtext from TableB where nr = '1'

<cfquery name=&quot;t&quot; datasource=&quot;#dsn#&quot;>
select * from TableA where anderenr = '1'

<cfset a = #de(&quot;#i.longtext#&quot;)#>
<cfset b = #evaluate(&quot;#a#&quot;)#>

<cfmail to=&quot;ksc@qubus.net&quot; from=&quot;me&quot; subject=&quot;anything&quot;>

Thanx for all!

Oh, I'm really glad, that you have now the solution of your problem.

Maybe we can help you another time.

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