I made a posting in the general Linux server section, but I decided to do a posting here too.
My problem is that my var partition is too small. I added a hard drive to the /var partition. How do I redirect the /var/spool/mail to /var/incoming (my new hard drive)? I thought if I added a hard drive and moved mail to the new directory in /var this would work, but I can tell its not going to. I know I have to make configuration changes. I followed a suggestion of another post in the general Linux Server section, but it does not solve the hard disk space problem.
Any idea what I should do?
I made a posting in the general Linux server section, but I decided to do a posting here too.
My problem is that my var partition is too small. I added a hard drive to the /var partition. How do I redirect the /var/spool/mail to /var/incoming (my new hard drive)? I thought if I added a hard drive and moved mail to the new directory in /var this would work, but I can tell its not going to. I know I have to make configuration changes. I followed a suggestion of another post in the general Linux Server section, but it does not solve the hard disk space problem.
Any idea what I should do?