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values changing back to default, why is that?

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Dec 26, 2007
Hi all,

I have a program that is supposed to log data to a sql table based on a serial port receiving data. When I get a start of text and return I call this routine below. I set some other parameters up previously by a button click, as shown even lower. The problem I am having is that when I call my ParseBarcode routine ContainerNumLabel.Text changes from its set value to whatever I have it set at in the designer, so instead of being "12345" it is "Label1". Why is this, and what can I do to fix it?


   Private Sub ParseBarcode(ByVal InputString As String, ByVal scanner As Integer)
        Dim CartonID, DCID, ZIPID, ContainerNum, SealNumber, CustomerName, CustomerID, Retailer, RetailerID, RecieveDate, RecieveTime As String
        Dim LastFound, ScannerNum, DoorNum As Integer
        Dim SentToAS400 As Boolean
        ContainerNum = ContainerNumLabel.Text
        SealNumber = SealNumLabel.Text
        DoorNum = Convert.ToInt32(DoorNumLabel.Text)
        CustomerName = CustomerLabel.Text
        CustomerID = CustomerIDLabel.Text
        Retailer = RetailerLabel.Text
        RetailerID = RetailerIDLabel.Text
        ScannerNum = 1
        LastFound = InStr(InputString, ",")
        CartonID = Mid(InputString, 1, LastFound - 1) ' Get cartonID from inputstring
        InputString = Mid(InputString, (LastFound + 1))
        LastFound = InStr(InputString, ",")
        DCID = Mid(InputString, 1, LastFound - 1) ' Get DCID from inputstring
        InputString = Mid(InputString, (LastFound + 1))
        ZIPID = Mid(InputString, 1, InputString.Length - 1)
        RecieveDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d")
        RecieveTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("T")
        SentToAS400 = SendRecieveDataToAS400(ContainerNum, CartonID, DCID, ZIPID, ScannerNum, DoorNum, SealNumber, CustomerName, CustomerID, Retailer, RetailerID, RecieveDate, RecieveTime)
        LogRecieveDataToSQL(ContainerNum, CartonID, DCID, ZIPID, ScannerNum, DoorNum, SealNumber, CustomerName, CustomerID, Retailer, RetailerID, RecieveDate, RecieveTime, SentToAS400)
        Form2.SerialData1.Text = ""
    End Sub

 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim y, OpenDoorNum, ContainerCount As Integer
        Dim Status As Char
        'Check admin level to make sure we can open truck
        If Convert.ToInt32(adminleveltext.Text) < 3 Then
            MessageBox.Show("Please login as administrator to open truck", "Permission Denied")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Check open doors to make sure no two door are open at the same time
        For y = 0 To 4
            OpenDoorNum = ComboBox1.SelectedIndex
            If DoorState(y) = True And y = OpenDoorNum Then
                'Trying to open door already in use
                MessageBox.Show("Door " & OpenDoorNum & " already in use.", "Warning")
                Exit Sub
            End If
        'Check to ensure all parameters are filled
        If ComboBox1.Text.Length < 1 Or ComboBox2.Text.Length < 1 Or ComboBox3.Text.Length < 1 Or ComboBox4.Text.Length < 1 Or TextBox1.Text.Length < 1 Or TextBox3.Text.Length < 1 Then
            'Paramater is missing
            MessageBox.Show("Please insert missing parameters", "Warning")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If ComboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0 Then ' User is adding a new truck
            'Check to see if truck number is already in table
            'if not add truck data to SQL
            cmd3.Parameters(0).Value = TextBox4.Text
            ContainerCount = Convert.ToInt32(cmd3.Parameters(1).Value)
            If ContainerCount = 1 Then
                'Container Exists
                MessageBox.Show("Container already exists. Cannot add existing container")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            cmd4.Parameters(0).Value = TextBox4.Text
            cmd4.Parameters(1).Value = TextBox1.Text
            cmd4.Parameters(2).Value = ComboBox3.Text
            cmd4.Parameters(3).Value = TextBox3.Text
            cmd4.Parameters(4).Value = "O"
            cmd4.Parameters(5).Value = "Y"
            cmd4.Parameters(6).Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("T")
            Call BuildContainerBox(ConnString)
            TextBox4.Text = ""   ' New Truck box being cleared, not sure this is being used
            ComboBox2.SelectedIndex = ComboBox2.Items.Count - 1
            'Update existing container
            ' Check Status of container(Truck Number) to ensure it is Pending or Closed
            cmd2.Parameters(0).Value = ComboBox2.Text
            Status = cmd2.Parameters(1).Value
            If Status = "O" Then
                'Container is open
                MessageBox.Show("Container is already open", "Warning")
                Exit Sub
            ElseIf Status = "F" Then
                'Truck is finished
                MessageBox.Show("Container is already finished", "Warning")
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

DoorState(OpenDoorNum) = True
        ScannerState(0) = True
        'Set Scanner 1 parameters here
        ContainerNumLabel.Text = ComboBox2.Text
        DoorNumLabel.Text = ComboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1
        SealNumLabel.Text = TextBox1.Text
        CustomerLabel.Text = ComboBox3.Text
        CustomerIDLabel.Text = ComboBox4.Text
        RetailerLabel.Text = ""
        RetailerIDLabel.Text = ""
        'End of Scanner 1 paramaeters here
        Button1.Enabled = False ' Open Truck button can not be clicked
        Button2.Enabled = True  ' Close truck button can be clicked
        Button3.Enabled = True
        ComboBox1.Enabled = False
        ComboBox2.Enabled = False
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