I have a spread sheet with the following columns:
A(Date) Formatted as Date;
B(Total Dividends) Formatted as curency with a constant value of $3.45;
C(Liabilities) Formatted as curency;
D(Shares) Formatted as number, 3 decimal places with a constant value of 38.880;
E(Current Price) Formatted as curency, with a variable value entered monthly;
F(Market Value) Formatted as curency containing formula {=IF(D9*E9,D9*E9,""};
G(Total Acc't. Value) Formatted as curency containing formula {=IF(F9+B9,F9+B9,""};
H(Gain/Loss) Formatted as curency containing formula {=IF(G10>0,G10-G9,""};
I(Total Gain/Loss) Formatted as curency containing formula {=IF(F10>0,IF(G10-4859.26,G10-4859.26,"",""}
The problem shows up in column G which displays #VALUE! if no value is entered in col. E. It should display nothing (NULL). H & I display the same error. As soon as a number is entered in Col. E the correct values appear. It behaves as if it is attempting an operation involving a multiplication or division with zero but the value of the cell should be null, not zero.
I hope someone can shed some light on this.
A(Date) Formatted as Date;
B(Total Dividends) Formatted as curency with a constant value of $3.45;
C(Liabilities) Formatted as curency;
D(Shares) Formatted as number, 3 decimal places with a constant value of 38.880;
E(Current Price) Formatted as curency, with a variable value entered monthly;
F(Market Value) Formatted as curency containing formula {=IF(D9*E9,D9*E9,""};
G(Total Acc't. Value) Formatted as curency containing formula {=IF(F9+B9,F9+B9,""};
H(Gain/Loss) Formatted as curency containing formula {=IF(G10>0,G10-G9,""};
I(Total Gain/Loss) Formatted as curency containing formula {=IF(F10>0,IF(G10-4859.26,G10-4859.26,"",""}
The problem shows up in column G which displays #VALUE! if no value is entered in col. E. It should display nothing (NULL). H & I display the same error. As soon as a number is entered in Col. E the correct values appear. It behaves as if it is attempting an operation involving a multiplication or division with zero but the value of the cell should be null, not zero.
I hope someone can shed some light on this.