Hi, using Access 2000 and need to create a formula that calculates a value based on the text input. Maybe in a query, or in the table itself? Here's an example:
Area Measurement Phase Value
Network Device Up/Down Deployed 2.5
Network SNMP Alerts Deployed 2.5
Network Performance Data Partially Deployed 1.5
Network VTAM SNA Network Deployed 2.5
Network Configuration Manageme Not Deployed 0.5
Based on whether the phase is deployed or not deployed the value would change (0.5=not deployed, 1.5=partially deployed, 2.5=deployed)
Any help would be great, not a programmer obviously. Thanks!
Area Measurement Phase Value
Network Device Up/Down Deployed 2.5
Network SNMP Alerts Deployed 2.5
Network Performance Data Partially Deployed 1.5
Network VTAM SNA Network Deployed 2.5
Network Configuration Manageme Not Deployed 0.5
Based on whether the phase is deployed or not deployed the value would change (0.5=not deployed, 1.5=partially deployed, 2.5=deployed)
Any help would be great, not a programmer obviously. Thanks!