I ran my golive site through the w3.org validator and got heaps of problems with things like the gidy...it was saying there's no attribute like this and I was just wondering if my pages will be ok with this stuff in them???
Great thanks for that.
I have CS and had to set it up under 'settings'. Is there a way to get it to just copy the site to another folder on my desktop (instead of publishing to server) so that I can have a copy of the files with all the golive stuff stripped???
Since everything on your live site is striped you could use File -> Server -> Connect to FTP... to connect to the publish server and download everything into a folder.
You can set your Publish server to publish to a location on you hard drive (set transfer protocal to File). I've never used this and don't know if you can have it strip the files when doing it.
There is also File -> Server -> Browse File System but i don't think this option allows you to strip files, only copy/move them.
Cool thanks. I stripped it but some of the html is still a bit dodgy when validated although the webpages look fine on my browser so I guess its ok for now.
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