Hey lucid, I tried e-mailing you, but the e-mail bounced. Anyway, you initially helped to create this code, so I figured that you would be the best to come to in this time of trouble. I have been trying for weeks to get this code to function in Netscape 4.7 and 6, but the code just gets overriden and there are no errors.
It is called like this:
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Ryan ;-]
function validation_function() {
if(document.frm.Resource_Type.value=='xyz') {
alert('Please select a resource type.')
return false;
if(document.frm.Subject_Area.value=='xyz') {
alert('Please select a subject area for your resource.')
return false;
if(document.frm.Grade_Level.value=='xyz') {
alert('Please select a grade level for your resource.')
return false;
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit" onclick="return validation_function();">
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Ryan ;-]