I am working on an agency-wide "Contacts" application. It keeps a central database of names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. and lets users make "phone books," which can be output as mailing labels, .NAB files for GroupWise, spreadsheets, etc. I would like to use XML for data exchange wherever possible.
The tutorial at W3Schools says,"With a DTD, independent groups of people can agree to use a common DTD for interchanging data." Sounds good to me.
I have no objection whatever to validating against an existing schema, but how do I find one? Are there groups that propose schemas, or are there clearinghouses for schemas? Certainly contact info ought to be common enough that someone has proposed a "Public" schema, but I can't find one.
The tutorial at W3Schools says,"With a DTD, independent groups of people can agree to use a common DTD for interchanging data." Sounds good to me.
I have no objection whatever to validating against an existing schema, but how do I find one? Are there groups that propose schemas, or are there clearinghouses for schemas? Certainly contact info ought to be common enough that someone has proposed a "Public" schema, but I can't find one.