How to validate Text Box Entries quickly? Is it good to validate when the user types in or by calling a Validate Function when the operation starts?
In my application I have a Tabbed Control with five tabbed pages. Each tabbed page contains same set of Text Boxes, but having different names.
For example, In Tab Page 1, a txtName1, similarly, in Tab page 2, txtName2.
The same set is repeated on all Tabbed pages but some pages contain one or two different options. This is done so as to categorized the entries and free the user to mess up in selecting options.
I want to Validate the Text Boxes before Saving the Record. The Save Record Function is also same for all Tabs.
Please let me know how can I write only one routine which can automatically handle Text Box Names and the code need not be typed again and again.
In my application I have a Tabbed Control with five tabbed pages. Each tabbed page contains same set of Text Boxes, but having different names.
For example, In Tab Page 1, a txtName1, similarly, in Tab page 2, txtName2.
The same set is repeated on all Tabbed pages but some pages contain one or two different options. This is done so as to categorized the entries and free the user to mess up in selecting options.
I want to Validate the Text Boxes before Saving the Record. The Save Record Function is also same for all Tabs.
Please let me know how can I write only one routine which can automatically handle Text Box Names and the code need not be typed again and again.