I have a table of "news clips", generated from a db. There is checkbox next to each one, that's used to mark it for deletetion.
<% REsponse.write("<input type=""checkbox"" name=""RecordId"" value=""" & rs.fields("RecordId"
&""" ></td>"
form name = frmDeleteEvent
I need to loop through these onClick of the submit button and make sure one is checked. I'm having a tough time getting any code to work and my head is so shot from staring at this morning. Ne help would be great.
The checkboxes are the only items on the form. And the number of checkboxes grows and shrinks depending on the DB.
<% REsponse.write("<input type=""checkbox"" name=""RecordId"" value=""" & rs.fields("RecordId"
form name = frmDeleteEvent
I need to loop through these onClick of the submit button and make sure one is checked. I'm having a tough time getting any code to work and my head is so shot from staring at this morning. Ne help would be great.
The checkboxes are the only items on the form. And the number of checkboxes grows and shrinks depending on the DB.