This is probably a beginner question but, I am trying to verify that a phone number entered in my form looks like 123-4567. Is there an easy way to do this?
yes :
get the input string :
tel_number = document.formname.textboxname.value
is there a - at the 4th place ?
are the 3 first chars numbers ?
are the 4 last char numbers ?
so your function will look like :
function validate_phone_number(){
var tel_number = document.formname.textboxname.value
if (tel_number.charAt(3)=="-" && !isNan(ParseInt(tel_number.substring(0,3),10)) && !isNan(ParseInt(tel_number.substring(4,7),10))) {
alert("ok this is correct"
return true
else {
alert("the phone number format is not correct"
return false
call the function with :
<form=formname onsubmit="javascript:return validate_phone_number()">
please enter your phone number : <input type=text name=textboxname>
let me know if this works !
note : you can do this with a regular expression as well, but it's a bit heavy only to validate a phone number !
Thanks! it works, but I get an error when I leave the field if the statement is true. The error say object expected and point to right before the if statement. The code still works though. I took out the alert for a correct entry, but that shouldn't cause an error. Also, it allows you to enter more onto the end. I there a way to make sure that the number only has 4 numbers after the "-" ?
heres an easier way to validate a phone number, using a regular expression:
function validate()
var rg = /^\d{3}\-\d{4}$/
fld =;
alert("Phone number must be in format: ###-####"
return false;
The regular expression is probably the better way to go. The other way might give you an error if the number was shorter than 8 characters, and wouldn't catch numbers longer than 8 characters if the extra character were numeric.
Tracy Dryden
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.
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