I am having a problem with the autoreply. The autoreply gets sent but the senders email address is not getting saved in the vacation.cache. The following is the error that I get in the procmail log file.
procmail: Locking "vacation.lock"
procmail: Error while writing to "_2VE.S-Ko8.mailserver"
procmail: Lock failure on "vacation.lock"
procmail: Executing "formail,-rD,8192,vacation.cache"
formail: Couldn't open "vacation.cache"
Does anyone know why I would be getting this error? I can provide more info if it's needed.
procmail: Locking "vacation.lock"
procmail: Error while writing to "_2VE.S-Ko8.mailserver"
procmail: Lock failure on "vacation.lock"
procmail: Executing "formail,-rD,8192,vacation.cache"
formail: Couldn't open "vacation.cache"
Does anyone know why I would be getting this error? I can provide more info if it's needed.