i want to create an html page by parsing a source xml file using xslt. the end product should include a javascript function that takes an element id as a parameter. the javascript function is called by the onclick method of certain <span> elements. for example...
is there a way to use xslt to change the parameter getting passed into the function "toggleDisplay"? i would like to do something like...
...but that doesn't work. how do i insert text from xslt into the middle of html code that is quoted?
<span onclick="toggleDisplay('Item1')>+</span><span>Item1</span>
<div id="Item1">content goes here</div>
is there a way to use xslt to change the parameter getting passed into the function "toggleDisplay"? i would like to do something like...
<span onclick="toggleDisplay('<xsl:value-of select="@name"/>')>
...but that doesn't work. how do i insert text from xslt into the middle of html code that is quoted?