I am trying to get a query to run which calls the xp_fileexists function to see if a file exists. I am trying to pass a UNC path and concatenate that with one of the columns of data, but I keep getting an error at the "\" character for UNC or the ":" character for my local drive.
Can someone help me figure out where the issue is? I'm pretty sure it lies in all of the ' I have in the query.
The plan is to eventually move this code into a SP or UDF to be run from an ASP.Net page.
Also, any suggestions on how to improve the performance of this code would be appreciated.
Can someone help me figure out where the issue is? I'm pretty sure it lies in all of the ' I have in the query.
The plan is to eventually move this code into a SP or UDF to be run from an ASP.Net page.
Also, any suggestions on how to improve the performance of this code would be appreciated.
declare @ddlSortBy varchar(25)
declare @ddlSortDir nvarchar(3)
declare @SearchFor varchar(25)
declare @ContactID Int
declare @ClientID Int
declare @Site char(1)
set @ddlSortDir = 'a'
set @ddlSortBy = 'DateEntered'
set @ContactID = 0
set @ClientID = 143
set @SearchFor = '365'
set @Site = 'C'
declare @cols varchar(1000)
declare @tables varchar(100)
declare @where varchar(500)
declare @sortby varchar(50)
declare @sortdir varchar(50)
declare @stmt varchar(1500)
declare @ClientIDtxt nvarchar(5)
declare @SitePath varchar(100)
set @SitePath = case when @Site = 'C' then '\\\\asp01\\CSAAImages\\'
when @Site = 'P' then '\\\\asp01\\ClientAccessImages\\'
when @Site = 'D' then '\\\\asp01\\ClientAccessImages\\'
set @ClientIDtxt = CAST(@ClientID as nvarchar(5))
set @sortby = @ddlSortBy
set @sortdir = @ddlSortDir
set @cols = 'select invoice_no,
case when OnHold = ''Y'' then ''On Hold'' else convert(varchar(10),dateentered, 110) end as [Date Entered],
isnull(convert(varchar(10),date_billed, 110),'' '') as [Date Billed],
claim_no as [Claim Number],
records_re as [Subject Name],
ltrim(rtrim(ltrim(rtrim(s.first_name)) + '' '' + ltrim(rtrim(s.last_name)))) as [Source],
ltrim(rtrim(ltrim(rtrim(s.city)) + '', '' + ltrim(rtrim(s.state)))) as [Source City],
ltrim(rtrim(ltrim(rtrim(w.plaintiff)) + '' vs. '' + ltrim(rtrim(w.defendant)))) as [Case Title],
f.f_DocumentID as [Doc ID],
left(w.subpoena_type,1) as [SubType],
w.date_due as [DateDue],
xp_fileexists(' + '' + @SitePath + '' + ' rtrim(f.f_DocumentID) + ''.tif'')'
-- xp_fileexists(' + @SitePath + 'rtrim(f.f_DocumentID) + ''.tif'')'
set @tables = ' from worksheets w,
sources s,
clients c,
FortisApplebyRecordsRep.sysadm.DailyWork f'
set @where = ' where w.client_id = ' + @ClientIDtxt +
' and w.dateentered >= DateAdd(day,-' + @SearchFor + ',GetDate())
and w.bill_id = c.client_id
and (left(rtrim(ltrim(c.client_last_name)),4) = ''CSAA''
or left(rtrim(ltrim(c.client_last_name)),21) = ''CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO'')
and s.source_no = w.source_id
and w.invoice_no = f.invoiceno'
set @sortby = Case when @sortby = 'DateEntered' then ' order by [Date Entered]'
when @sortby = 'DateBilled' then ' order by [Date Billed]'
when @sortby = 'SubjectName' then ' order by [Subject Name]'
when @sortby = 'ClaimNumber' then ' order by [Claim Number]'
when @sortby = 'Source' then ' order by [Source]'
set @sortdir = Case when @sortdir = 'a' then ' asc'
when @sortdir = 'd' then ' desc'
set @stmt = @cols + @tables + @where + @sortby + @sortdir
exec (@stmt)