I've printed the macro in Accpac, but the code isn't 100% compatible with the Xapi format. Is it possible to load accpac's financial reporter outside of accpac?
Also I've noticed that if I include the reference "Financial Reporter COM Addin" I eliminate some of the errors in the script. But my understanding is that these functions won't ultimately work unless used within accpac itself.
When using this with xapi it get's hung up on - glfrrpt.CmdFRPrintEx mDBLinkCmpRW, "preview", 1, "", "", 0" - obviously because of mDBLinkCmpRW, but I don't know what to replace this one with, or if it's all wrong together.
Also I've noticed that if I include the reference "Financial Reporter COM Addin" I eliminate some of the errors in the script. But my understanding is that these functions won't ultimately work unless used within accpac itself.
When using this with xapi it get's hung up on - glfrrpt.CmdFRPrintEx mDBLinkCmpRW, "preview", 1, "", "", 0" - obviously because of mDBLinkCmpRW, but I don't know what to replace this one with, or if it's all wrong together.