THere is a Command Line Interface with Winzip. Below is the code that will fire it. I took Knobs code and reused it implemeting the Winzip information. Thought this was some good info for everyone, especially since it is unpublished. I got the information from winzip. There are many commands that you can use to send to Winzip.
proc unzip
param string tempstr
string sPWZipPath, sCmdLine, sTargetPath, sZipName, sSourceFile
integer iRunTaskID
sZipName = "winzip32.exe"
sPWZipPath = "C:\Program Files\winzip\" ;Setup the needed paths
sTargetPath = "C:\Nortel\" ;Path to unzip ZIP contents to
sSourceFile =tempstr ;Source ZIP file
addfilename sPWZipPath sZipName ;Build the execute statement
strfmt sCmdLine "%s -e %s c:\Nortel" sPWZipPath sSourceFile sTargetPath
run sCmdLine iRunTaskID ;Run PWZIP
while taskexists iRunTaskID ;Wait for PWZIP to finish
To go where no programmer has gone before.
proc unzip
param string tempstr
string sPWZipPath, sCmdLine, sTargetPath, sZipName, sSourceFile
integer iRunTaskID
sZipName = "winzip32.exe"
sPWZipPath = "C:\Program Files\winzip\" ;Setup the needed paths
sTargetPath = "C:\Nortel\" ;Path to unzip ZIP contents to
sSourceFile =tempstr ;Source ZIP file
addfilename sPWZipPath sZipName ;Build the execute statement
strfmt sCmdLine "%s -e %s c:\Nortel" sPWZipPath sSourceFile sTargetPath
run sCmdLine iRunTaskID ;Run PWZIP
while taskexists iRunTaskID ;Wait for PWZIP to finish
To go where no programmer has gone before.