I have to make a VBS script that will run once a day for maintenance needs on a Windows Media Server.
This script must create an Instance of the Station Control Object before sending command to it.
However, the SDK reference guide say that this instance have to be created within <object></object> contener, so this must be made in a HTML document.
This is a working example :
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="init()">
<object id=NSstationMgr classid=CLSID:B00464B3-67D4-11D0-A464-00C04FC29CFB></object>
<script language="VBScript">
NSstationMgr localhost
The problem is that i cannot use html for my script because it will be executed as a Windows scheduled task. How can i create this instance within a .VBS document ?
Thanks a lot.
I have to make a VBS script that will run once a day for maintenance needs on a Windows Media Server.
This script must create an Instance of the Station Control Object before sending command to it.
However, the SDK reference guide say that this instance have to be created within <object></object> contener, so this must be made in a HTML document.
This is a working example :
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="init()">
<object id=NSstationMgr classid=CLSID:B00464B3-67D4-11D0-A464-00C04FC29CFB></object>
<script language="VBScript">
NSstationMgr localhost
The problem is that i cannot use html for my script because it will be executed as a Windows scheduled task. How can i create this instance within a .VBS document ?
Thanks a lot.