I am using a webbrowser to open a local html file. No problem. But now I want to replace text in the html file with field values from a database so where the html file might include "Company Name: <#CompName>" I want to replace the <#CompName> tag with the value from a dataset. Sometimes it will be straight from a field in the dataset, but other times it will be a string constructed from one or more fields (like city, state zip). Also, a single page may need fields from multiple datasets.
I'm using the webbrowser for read-only display purposes only and not on the web or with webservices. I've looked at the PageProducer and the DataSetPageProducer but they seem to provide a different kind of thing.
Any ideas would be appreciated?
I'm using the webbrowser for read-only display purposes only and not on the web or with webservices. I've looked at the PageProducer and the DataSetPageProducer but they seem to provide a different kind of thing.
Any ideas would be appreciated?