Updating is working. But in the combox, the user will select a text. In when they select one of the option in the textbox, how do I make that option show in 0 in a other textbox. Example: if user choose red in combobox, how do in automatic show 1 in another textbox.
Dim iResponce As Integer
iResponce = MsgBox("Do You Wont To Make Changes To The Previous Day???", vbYesNo, "UPDATE PREVIOUS DAY...") ' This provides the YES, an No Box. That will give the user the option to choose from. If they will like to insert into the sql table or Update the previous data in the table...
If iResponce = vbYes Then ' They Clicked YES!
SQLUPDATE.Connection = SQLConnection
SQLUPDATE.CommandText = ("Update [QSB_Program] Set [Number of Problem]= " & TextBox1.Text & ", [Problem Type] = '" & ComboBox2.Text & "' where [Day] =" & NumericUpDown2.Value & " and [Month] = " & NumericUpDown1.Value & " and [Year] = " & ComboBox1.Text & " and [Problem Type] = '" & ComboBox2.Text & " '")
MessageBox.Show("The Update Has Been Sent..")
Dim iResponce As Integer
iResponce = MsgBox("Do You Wont To Make Changes To The Previous Day???", vbYesNo, "UPDATE PREVIOUS DAY...") ' This provides the YES, an No Box. That will give the user the option to choose from. If they will like to insert into the sql table or Update the previous data in the table...
If iResponce = vbYes Then ' They Clicked YES!
SQLUPDATE.Connection = SQLConnection
SQLUPDATE.CommandText = ("Update [QSB_Program] Set [Number of Problem]= " & TextBox1.Text & ", [Problem Type] = '" & ComboBox2.Text & "' where [Day] =" & NumericUpDown2.Value & " and [Month] = " & NumericUpDown1.Value & " and [Year] = " & ComboBox1.Text & " and [Problem Type] = '" & ComboBox2.Text & " '")
MessageBox.Show("The Update Has Been Sent..")