I need to populate a textbox with particular information from another textbox, once a cell is activated..
What I mean is that I have a form, which one cell contains a list of customer number (ie ABI001). What I want to do is populate the "address" textbox (required for multiline information) with the address of the customer, which is in another textbox elsewhere in the spreadsheet. So, for example, when the ABI001 customer number is chosen the form fills out with the relevant customer info.
I've tried recording a macro to see what code is generated and also tried to code it by hand but I can't get it to work.
Could the problem be in addressing the cell correctly? It's a merged cell, so it's absolute address is something like $A$1:$B$2 but this still doesn't work. I've even tried to name the range but still won't work..
I have the following code which is half recorded and half hand coded
What could be the problem(s)?
Paul @ basepoint designz..
basepoint designz
I need to populate a textbox with particular information from another textbox, once a cell is activated..
What I mean is that I have a form, which one cell contains a list of customer number (ie ABI001). What I want to do is populate the "address" textbox (required for multiline information) with the address of the customer, which is in another textbox elsewhere in the spreadsheet. So, for example, when the ABI001 customer number is chosen the form fills out with the relevant customer info.
I've tried recording a macro to see what code is generated and also tried to code it by hand but I can't get it to work.
Could the problem be in addressing the cell correctly? It's a merged cell, so it's absolute address is something like $A$1:$B$2 but this still doesn't work. I've even tried to name the range but still won't work..
I have the following code which is half recorded and half hand coded
Sub Input_Company_Details()
Dim Target As Range 'Range of Cells..
Select Case Target.Address
Case Is = "$E$10:$F$11" 'The Customer Number cell..
If Target.Value = "ABI001" Then
'Add Company name..
Cells(13, 17, 14, 18) = "AbiCAD Ltd"
' Populate the address textbox..
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Text Box 9").Select
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Text Box 9").Text = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Text Box 29").Text
End If
End Select
End Sub
What could be the problem(s)?
Paul @ basepoint designz..
basepoint designz