hello everybody
if anyone can give m a push in this task that would be great.
i have been looking for a vba code, an exemple code, of creating reports based on results of queries, since i don't know how, andi can't find any.
i know that the reports i will be creating would be based on a query, but how can i say that i want to post all fields of the table (result of a query)(knowing that the fields are not always the same)(something like *)
i hope my questionis not ambiguous
if you have a sample code that would be great
thank you
For i = 0 To classStep
classLetter = toutesClasses(i)
DoCmd.OpenReport "List_" & classLetter & " ", acViewDesign
Next i
Lina Chebli
if anyone can give m a push in this task that would be great.
i have been looking for a vba code, an exemple code, of creating reports based on results of queries, since i don't know how, andi can't find any.
i know that the reports i will be creating would be based on a query, but how can i say that i want to post all fields of the table (result of a query)(knowing that the fields are not always the same)(something like *)
i hope my questionis not ambiguous
if you have a sample code that would be great
thank you
For i = 0 To classStep
classLetter = toutesClasses(i)
DoCmd.OpenReport "List_" & classLetter & " ", acViewDesign
Next i
Lina Chebli