I wrote a script to query up about 50 ids. Loop thru them and open up the crystal report and pass the ids then export it to pdf format.
I have 2 questions.
1. Instead of doing the below statements each time is it possible to do a refresh?
Set Report = crxApplication.OpenReport("test.rpt", 1)
Set Report = Nothing
Set crxApplication = Nothing
2. Sometimes VB closes after it attempts to export. Any ideas? This occurs just before I set the report = Nothing.
I have 2 questions.
1. Instead of doing the below statements each time is it possible to do a refresh?
Set Report = crxApplication.OpenReport("test.rpt", 1)
Set Report = Nothing
Set crxApplication = Nothing
2. Sometimes VB closes after it attempts to export. Any ideas? This occurs just before I set the report = Nothing.