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using vb code with CMS 13 ,11 & 9

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Mar 14, 2003
my company uses all 3 cms verion. My code work great for 9 & 11. However 13 will not export. there are no error msg. the loop just keeps going as there seems to be no data coming from the application. this is where it keeps looping:

freetmpnum = FreeFile()
For i = 1 To 9
Line Input #1, linestring

While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, linestring
Outline = Location & "," & Skill & "," & incDate & "," & linestring
Print #2, Outline

Please see below the complete code:
Sub getCMSIntervalData()

Dim fs As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim info As Object
Dim REP As Object
Dim b As Boolean
Dim cvsapp9 As New CVSUP.cvsApplication
Dim cvssrv9 As New CVSUPSRV.cvsServer
'Dim cvsconn As cvsConnection
Dim status As Boolean
Dim log As Object
Dim cvsSrv As Object
Dim incDate As Date
Dim freetmpnum As Integer
Dim linestring As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim startdate As Date
Dim enddate As Date
Dim Header As String
Dim outfile As String
Dim CMSReport As String

    Dim batfile As Variant
    batfile = Shell("\\WCAB855766\ACCESS\DeleteExportFile_tmpexpcms.Bat", vbHide)

    Header = """Location""," & """Skill""," & """Date""," & """startint""," & """dummy"","
    Header = Header & """endint""," & """SeviceLevel""," & """ACDCallsWflowOut""," & """AvgSpeedAns"","
    Header = Header & """AvgAbanTime""," & """ACDCalls ""," & """AvgACDTime"","
    Header = Header & """AvgACWTime""," & """AbanCalls""," & """MaxDelay""," & """FlowIn"","
    Header = Header & """FlowOut""," & """ExtnOutCalls""," & """BAHT"","
    Header = Header & """OtherTime""," & """acdTime""," & """AuxTime""," & """AvgPosStaff""," & """Occupancy"""
    ExportCVfile = "\\wcab855766\f\intervals\CMSIntervals\tmpexpcms.csv"
    tmp = "\\wcab855766\f\intervals\CMSIntervals\tmpdata.csv"
    outfile = "\\wcab855766\f\intervals\CMSIntervals\intervaldata.csv"
    strSQLIP = "SELECT tblCMSData.IP, tblCMSData.Login, tblCMSData.Password, tblCMSData.CMSVersion " & _
        "FROM tblCMSData " & _
        "GROUP BY tblCMSData.IP, tblCMSData.Login, tblCMSData.Password, tblCMSData.CMSVersion"
        DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpdate_CMDData_Date"
'    DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblCMSData SET tblCMSData.EndDate = format(Now(),""mm/dd/yyyy"")"
    Open tmp For Output As #2
    Print #2, Header

    Set dbCMStemp = OpenDatabase(CurrentDb.Name)
    Set rsIP = dbCMStemp.OpenRecordset(strSQLIP, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
    With rsIP
        While Not rsIP.EOF
            CurrentIP = ![IP]
            Login = ![Login]
            password = ![password]
            CMSVersion = ![CMSVersion]
            Select Case CMSVersion
                Case 9
                Set cvsapp9 = CreateObject("CVSUP.cvsApplication")
                           status = cvsapp9.CreateServer(Login, password, "", CurrentIP, False, "ENU", cvssrv9)
                Case 11
                        Dim cvsapp11 As New AVSUP.cvsApplication
                        status = cvsapp11.CreateServer(Login, password, "", CurrentIP, False, "ENU", cvsSrv)
                Case 13

'                        Dim cvsapp13 As Object
                        Dim cvsConn As Object
                        Dim cvsapp13 As New ACSUP.cvsApplication
                      '  Create a new CMS Application, Connection, Server, & Report
                        Set cvsapp13 = CreateObject("ACSUP.cvsApplication")
                        Set cvsConn = CreateObject("ACSCN.cvsConnection")
                        Set cvsSrv = CreateObject("ACSUPSRV.cvsServer")
                        Set REP = CreateObject("ACSREP.cvsReport")
                      '  Assign values to the instance of the cvsServer created above
                        status = cvsapp13.CreateServer(Login, password, "", CurrentIP, False, "ENU", cvsSrv, cvsConn)

                Case Else
                    MsgBox "CMSVersion missing"
            End Select

            strSQLRec = "SELECT * FROM tblCMSData where IP = '" & CurrentIP & "'"
            Set rsRec = dbCMStemp.OpenRecordset(strSQLRec, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)

            With rsRec
                While Not rsRec.EOF
                    Skill = ![Skill]
                    startdate = ![startdate]
                    enddate = ![enddate]
                    Location = ![Location]
                    CMSReport = ![CMSReport]
                    sDate = CStr(startdate)
                    eDate = CStr(enddate)
                                        Dim ReturnValue As Variant
                    Dim maxvalue As Double
                    Dim stepp As Double

'                    maxvalue = 700000
'                    stepp = 100 / maxvalue
'                    ReturnValue = SysCmd(SYSCMD_INITMETER, Location & "  " & Skill & "  " & sDate, 100)

                    If sDate <= eDate Then

                Select Case CMSVersion
                   Case 13
                    For incDate = sDate To eDate

                     maxvalue = 700000
                    stepp = 100 / maxvalue
                    ReturnValue = SysCmd(SYSCMD_INITMETER, "CentreVu " & "" & Location & "  " & Skill & "  " & incDate, 100)

                        strSQLDelete = "Delete * from tblCMSIntervalData where Date = #" & incDate & "# and Location = '" & Location & "' and Skill = " & Skill
                        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQLDelete
                                On Error Resume Next
                                cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = 1
                        Set info = cvsSrv.Reports.Reports(CMSReport)
                                  If info Is Nothing Then
                              If cvsSrv.Interactive Then
                                  MsgBox "The report Historical\Designer\Johns Interval Performance Report2 was not found on ACD 1.", vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, "Avaya CMS Supervisor"
                                  Set log = CreateObject("ACSERR.cvsLog")
                                  log.AutoLogWrite "The report Historical\Designer\Johns Interval Performance Report2 was not found on ACD 1."
                                  Set log = Nothing
                              End If
                               b = cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport(info, REP)
                               If b Then
                                  REP.Window.Top = 1830
                                  REP.Window.Left = 7800
                                  REP.Window.Width = 15030
                                  REP.Window.Height = 14865

                                REP.SetProperty "Split/Skill", Skill
                                REP.SetProperty "Date", incDate
                                REP.SetProperty "Times", "00:00-23:30"
                                b = REP.ExportData(ExportCVfile, 44, 0, True, True, True)
                                'If Not cvssrv.Interactive Then cvssrv.ActiveTasks.Remove REP.TaskID
                                Set REP = Nothing
                                Set rsmissing = dbIDPtemp.OpenRecordset("tblMissingCMS", dbOpenDynaset)
                                With rsmissing
                                    !Date = incDate
                                    !Location = Location
                                    !Skill = Skill
                                End With
                                Set rsmissing = Nothing
                            End If
                        End If
                        Set info = Nothing
                        Open ExportCVfile For Input As #1
                            freetmpnum = FreeFile()
                            For i = 1 To 9
                                Line Input #1, linestring

                            While Not EOF(1)
                                Line Input #1, linestring
                                Outline = Location & "," & Skill & "," & incDate & "," & linestring
                                Print #2, Outline
                        Close #1
                    Next incDate
'                    Else: End If
'                    .MoveNext
'                Wend
'            End With
'            rsRec.Close
'            Set rsRec = Nothing
                    Case 11
                    For incDate = sDate To eDate
                     maxvalue = 700000
                    stepp = 100 / maxvalue
                    ReturnValue = SysCmd(SYSCMD_INITMETER, "CentreVu " & "" & Location & "  " & Skill & "  " & incDate, 100)
                        strSQLDelete = "Delete * from tblCMSIntervalData where Date = #" & incDate & "# and Location = '" & Location & "' and Skill = " & Skill
                        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQLDelete
                            cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = 1
                        Set info = cvsSrv.Reports.Reports(CMSReport)
                        If info Is Nothing Then
                            If cvsSrv.Interactive Then
                                MsgBox "The report Historical\CMS custom\SK Sum by Int Rev2 was not found on ACD 1.", vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, "CentreVu Supervisor"
                                Exit Sub
                                Set log = CreateObject("CVSERR.cvsLog")
                                log.AutoLogWrite "The report Historical\CMS custom\SK Sum by Int Rev2 was not found on ACD 1."
                                Set log = Nothing
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                            b = cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport(info, REP)
                            If b Then
                                REP.Window.Top = 2835
                                REP.Window.Left = 420
                                REP.Window.Width = 14580
                                REP.Window.Height = 5910
                                REP.SetProperty "Split/Skill", Skill
                                REP.SetProperty "Date", incDate
                                REP.SetProperty "Times", "00:00-23:30"
                                b = REP.ExportData(ExportCVfile, 44, 0, True, True, True)
                                'If Not cvssrv.Interactive Then cvssrv.ActiveTasks.Remove REP.TaskID
                                Set REP = Nothing
                                Set rsmissing = dbIDPtemp.OpenRecordset("tblMissingCMS", dbOpenDynaset)
                                With rsmissing
                                    !Date = incDate
                                    !Location = Location
                                    !Skill = Skill
                                End With
                                Set rsmissing = Nothing
                            End If
                        End If
                        Set info = Nothing
                        Open ExportCVfile For Input As #1
                            freetmpnum = FreeFile()
                            For i = 1 To 9
                                Line Input #1, linestring

                            While Not EOF(1)
                                Line Input #1, linestring
                                Outline = Location & "," & Skill & "," & incDate & "," & linestring
                                Print #2, Outline
                        Close #1
                    Next incDate
'                    Else: End If
'                    .MoveNext
'                Wend
'            End With
'            rsRec.Close
'            Set rsRec = Nothing
       Case 9
                           For incDate = sDate To eDate
                        maxvalue = 700000
                    stepp = 100 / maxvalue
                    ReturnValue = SysCmd(SYSCMD_INITMETER, "CentreVu " & "" & Location & "  " & Skill & "  " & incDate, 100)
                        strSQLDelete = "Delete * from tblCMSIntervalData where Date = #" & incDate & "# and Location = '" & Location & "' and Skill = " & Skill
                        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQLDelete
                            cvssrv9.Reports.ACD = 1
                        Set info = cvssrv9.Reports.Reports(CMSReport)
                        If info Is Nothing Then
                            If cvssrv9.Interactive Then
                                MsgBox "The report Historical\CMS custom\SK Sum by Int Rev2 was not found on ACD 1.", vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, "CentreVu Supervisor"
                                Exit Sub
                                Set log = CreateObject("CVSERR.cvsLog")
                                log.AutoLogWrite "The report Historical\CMS custom\SK Sum by Int Rev2 was not found on ACD 1."
                                Set log = Nothing
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                            b = cvssrv9.Reports.CreateReport(info, REP)
                            If b Then
                                REP.Window.Top = 2835
                                REP.Window.Left = 420
                                REP.Window.Width = 14580
                                REP.Window.Height = 5910
                                REP.SetProperty "Split/Skill", Skill
                                REP.SetProperty "Date", incDate
                                REP.SetProperty "Times", "00:00-23:30"
                                b = REP.ExportData(ExportCVfile, 44, 0, True, True, True)
                                'If Not cvssrv9.Interactive Then cvssrv9.ActiveTasks.Remove REP.TaskID
                                Set REP = Nothing
                                Set rsmissing = dbIDPtemp.OpenRecordset("tblMissingCMS", dbOpenDynaset)
                                With rsmissing
                                    !Date = incDate
                                    !Location = Location
                                    !Skill = Skill
                                End With
                                Set rsmissing = Nothing
                            End If
                        End If
                        Set info = Nothing
                        Open ExportCVfile For Input As #1
                            freetmpnum = FreeFile()
                            For i = 1 To 9
                                Line Input #1, linestring

                            While Not EOF(1)
                                Line Input #1, linestring
                                Outline = Location & "," & Skill & "," & incDate & "," & linestring
                                Print #2, Outline
                        Close #1
                    Next incDate
                 End Select
                    Else: End If
            End With
            Set rsRec = Nothing

            Select Case CMSVersion
                Case 9
                    Set cvsSrv = Nothing
                    Set cvsapp9 = Nothing
                Case 11
                    Set cvsSrv = Nothing
                    Set cvsapp11 = Nothing
            End Select
    End With
    Set rsIP = Nothing
    Close #2
    DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from tmpCMSIntervalData"
    DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "CMS Import Specification", "tmpCMSIntervalData", tmp
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "A1_Start_Stop_to_24hrs" 'adds start stop time in 24 hour format to new field in tmp table"
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "A2_Add_IntervalID" 'adds interval ID to new field in tmp table
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "A3_Convert2_EST_IntervalID" 'uses new field (MonToEst) to update the TIME field"
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "A4_Convert2_EST_Date" 'adds Date to new field in tmp table
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "A5_Convert2_EST_Start_Stop_Time" 'adds EST start stop time in 24 hour format to new field in tmp table
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "qapptblCMSIntervalDatafromtmp"
     DoCmd.OpenQuery "C1_AllCentreVu_By_loc_By_Date"
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "E1_mkINTERVALS_By_Day_Dept_Grp"
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "E1_mkINTERVALS_By_Day_Loc_AGG"
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "F1_mkTrend_By_Days"
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "1_qry_RemoveNCO4Normalized"
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "3_qryNormalized_Metrics_by_Interval"
    DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblCMSData SET tblCMSData.startdate = ''"
    DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblCMSData SET tblCMSData.EndDate = ''"
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True

                    maxvalue = 700000
                    stepp = 100 / maxvalue
                    ReturnValue = SysCmd(SYSCMD_INITMETER, "CentreVu Completed", 100)

End Sub

I can be reach @
ltworf13@hotmail.com - messenger only not email on this one
Still having problems. Does anyone have an help they can offered , Please:)
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Part and Inventory Search

