VB training doesn't cover writing code in Word macros, so you guys and my own feeble brain are my only hope.
In trying to convert my WordBasic dialog boxes to the VB forms in an AutoNew macro, I get an "object required" error regarding my .List statement for the list box. See below and show me what's missing.
Form is named frmDlg_1; listbox is named lstFaxOrg; Form is attached to the template. Do I need to add Dim statements?
Thank you,
VB training doesn't cover writing code in Word macros, so you guys and my own feeble brain are my only hope.
In trying to convert my WordBasic dialog boxes to the VB forms in an AutoNew macro, I get an "object required" error regarding my .List statement for the list box. See below and show me what's missing.
Form is named frmDlg_1; listbox is named lstFaxOrg; Form is attached to the template. Do I need to add Dim statements?
Open TplPath$ + "\XFAXORG.TXT" For Input As 1
Rem Line #1 is a number, the total number of lines in the text file
Line Input #1, FaxCnt
FaxCnt_ = FaxCnt - 1
ReDim FaxOrgArr__$(FaxCnt_)
ReDim FaxNumArr__$(FaxCnt_)
ReDim FaxExtArr__$(FaxCnt_)
ReDim FaxContactArr__$(FaxCnt_)
For Cnt = 0 To FaxCnt_
Input #1, FaxOrgArr__$(Cnt), FaxNumArr__$(Cnt), FaxExtArr__$(Cnt),
Next Cnt
Close 1
Load frmDlg_1
' The next line gets the error "Object required"
lstToOrg.List = FaxOrgArr__$()
Thank you,