Hi all
I have a database that will be distributed to other computers and use to run off other data with same formatting. in the pass i would manually reset all the file directories that links raw data (excel files) from local hard drives. But now i am trying to create a form that will prompt the user to input the file directory to a table and hvae all the transferspreadsheet commands in my macros to refer to this "directory" table and it's corresponding directory.
for example...
if the user have raw data: dailysales.xls in C:\
i want to create a form that will store this directory onto a table and then have the transferspreadsheet command in my macros refer to C:\dailysales.xls
Do i ahve to use VB codes to implement this?
any help would be appreciate
thanks so much
i hope i explain this clearly
I have a database that will be distributed to other computers and use to run off other data with same formatting. in the pass i would manually reset all the file directories that links raw data (excel files) from local hard drives. But now i am trying to create a form that will prompt the user to input the file directory to a table and hvae all the transferspreadsheet commands in my macros to refer to this "directory" table and it's corresponding directory.
for example...
if the user have raw data: dailysales.xls in C:\
i want to create a form that will store this directory onto a table and then have the transferspreadsheet command in my macros refer to C:\dailysales.xls
Do i ahve to use VB codes to implement this?
any help would be appreciate
thanks so much
i hope i explain this clearly