Good morning
I was brain-dead on something that might look very simple. Let’s say I have the following data from a query (two fields)
Type Qty
A 3
B 10
C 50
D ..
E ..
My query name is: qryTest
I would like to list this information into the Report footer band. It will state something like this:
• [Qty] has type A for this period
• [Qty] will use type B
• There are [Qty] of type C reported for the case
• ...
• ....
If I use the field name in the summary band, it will give me only one result. How can I customize each field to obtain the result in the report?
I tried creating an unbound field and used control source = Qty. I tried to filter and customize to match the need and I was not successful. I believe I wrote the wrong control source. It might be something like this:
=[qryTest]![Qty][qryTest]![Type] = “A” or something like this.
Thank you for your assistant.