I need to use a tab control to allow people to enter/edit data. Ideally, what I would like to see is people can enter from one to ten responses to a questionaire. I have eleven pages to the tab control, but with only the first page and last page visible. There is a subform on the first page that allows people to enter data. Is there a way to have that same subform on each page of the tab control and only limit them to one response on each tab?
The data is all going to the same table. What I have now is the tabs have a caption, "Response 1","Response 2", et cetera, with only "Response 1" being visible, and with the last tab, there is "Add Response" as the caption. Clicking on this Add Response tab makes another tab visible, in the proper order, et cetera.
The problem I am having, or am not clear about, how can I make the subform on each tab just display a new, blank record on every tab? This is probably pretty basic, but any help would be appreciated.
Walks With Sky
I need to use a tab control to allow people to enter/edit data. Ideally, what I would like to see is people can enter from one to ten responses to a questionaire. I have eleven pages to the tab control, but with only the first page and last page visible. There is a subform on the first page that allows people to enter data. Is there a way to have that same subform on each page of the tab control and only limit them to one response on each tab?
The data is all going to the same table. What I have now is the tabs have a caption, "Response 1","Response 2", et cetera, with only "Response 1" being visible, and with the last tab, there is "Add Response" as the caption. Clicking on this Add Response tab makes another tab visible, in the proper order, et cetera.
The problem I am having, or am not clear about, how can I make the subform on each tab just display a new, blank record on every tab? This is probably pretty basic, but any help would be appreciated.
Walks With Sky