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using system() then awk

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Oct 23, 2003
hi all,
i want to ping a host (called uc421) then get the returned error value in a file called ping_error. so i did it this way;

use Tk;
system("rsh *l grl pgrl /bin/awk '{
/sbin/ping -c 1 uc421
$! >> ping_error

but it doesn't work, and the followin' message is displayed:
syntax error unexpected '}'.

if anyone has a clue, thanks

Is there some reason you must use AWK? If not, there are several existing modules that will let you ping and capture the error.
Maybe this is some use:

# Modules

use Net::ping;

# Programming rules

# use strict;
use warnings;

# Main code

open (FILE, &quot;<ip.txt&quot;) or die &quot;can not open file&quot;; # open file with IP adresses
my @list = <FILE>; # declare and read the file in an array
close FILE; # close filehandle

my $p = Net::ping->new(&quot;icmp&quot;); # declare $p and use it for ICMP ping

my %ping_totals;
my %ping_received;
my %ping_loss;
foreach (@list) # run through the array
chomp($_); # remove newline character

if ($_ ne 0) # if $_ has an ip declared continue

if ($p->ping($_)) # if ping = succesful
$ping_totals{$_}++; # add a ping to the total of pings for that IP addres
$ping_received{$_}++; # add a ping to the total of received pings for that IP addres
print &quot;$_ is reachable\n&quot;;
$ping_totals{$_}++; # add a ping to the total of pings for that IP addres
$ping_loss{$_}++; # add a ping to the total of pings lost for that IP addres
print &quot;$_ not reachable\n&quot;;


&Pause(); # small pause in program

# printing the results

&Message(&quot;The ping statistics\n\n&quot;);
&Message(&quot;IP address\tSent\tReceived\tLost\tUptime\n\n&quot;);

foreach (sort keys %ping_totals) # for each pair in %ping_totals, sort the keys, run through the hash

print &quot;$_ \t $ping_totals{$_}&quot;; # Print ping totals the tabs are not inplace more IF CLAUSES!!

if (defined($ping_received{$_}))
print &quot;\t$ping_received{$_}&quot;; # Print pings received

if (defined($ping_loss{$_})) # Print pings received
print &quot;\t$ping_loss{$_}&quot;;

my $uptime = &Calc_Uptime ($_);
printf &quot;\t\t\t %d %% \n&quot;, $uptime; # Calculate uptime

# closing connections / handles

$p->close(); # close ICMP object

# Library of subroutines #

sub Pause {

# Takes no parameter, but asks the user to press
# enter en then it continues, returns always true
# unless error

print &quot;Press <enter> to continue to the results...\n&quot;;
my $continue = <STDIN>;

sub Message {

# Takes any string between quotes as the paramater and prints
# the string out onto the command line

my $message = shift @_;
print $message;

sub Countdown
# Takes a number of seconds (int) it should wait before continuing
# the program
my($timer) = @_;
my $timenow = time();
my $endtime = $timenow + $timer;

while (time() < $endtime)
$remaining = $endtime - time();
#print sprintf(&quot;$bs%-9s&quot;, GetDuration($remaining));
print &quot;$remaining seconds remaining \n&quot;;
sleep 1;

sub Check_Exist {

# Takes the $_ which holds the IP address as parameter
# and returns:
# 0 IF no pings were either received or lost (not going to happen unless error)
# 1 IF pings were received AND lost for this IP
# 2 IF pings were received BUT NOT lost for this IP
# 3 IF pings were lost BUT NOT received for this IP

my $ip = shift @_;
my $r_exist = $ping_received{$ip};
my $l_exist = $ping_loss{$ip};
my $exists;

if (defined($r_exist) && defined($l_exist))
$exists = 1;
if(defined($r_exist) && !defined($l_exist))
if(defined($l_exist) && !defined($r_exist))
return $exists;

sub Calc_Uptime {

# Takes the $_ which holds the IP address as parameter
# calls the subroutine Check_Exist to find out if the
# variables have been set in the hashes and returns the
# calculated uptime

use Switch;

my $ip = shift @_;
my $calc;
my $received = $ping_received{$ip}; # Get THEM FROM OTHER FUNCTION?
my $loss = $ping_loss{$ip}; # Get THEM FROM OTHER FUNCTION?
my $casevar = &Check_Exist($ip); # Call sub with variable

switch ($casevar) {

case 0 { $calc = &quot;N/A&quot;; return $calc; }
case 1 { $calc = ($received / $loss); return $calc;}
case 2 { $calc = &quot;100&quot;; return $calc; }
case 3 { $calc = &quot;0&quot;; return $calc; }

else { print &quot;Error evaluating switch statement in Sub Calc_Uptime&quot; }


It is not the most beautiful piece of code but it pings, stores and displays results (May need some tweaking but you get the idea). I think you can use and modify this for your own use...

- Raenius

&quot;Free will...is an illusion&quot;
the main issue is that i have to make a remote shell to log myself as grl on pgrl station:
rsh -l grl pgrl and then ping a host
but i don t if there is a perl command working like rsh
there's a number of hits for 'rsh'. If you have the option, I suggest stepping up to the more secure ssh. It's used the same way, but it doesn't transmit anything in plain text, not even login info.

...but I'm just a C man trying to see the light
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