Aug 21, 2002 #1 ivoestg Programmer Mar 21, 2001 77 PT hi, how can i use stringlists to separate a string by the char ';' example: mystring:='0;D;100'; I need: ts[0]='0' ts[1]='D' ts[2]='100' being ts a TStringlist variable. thanks... I'm in
hi, how can i use stringlists to separate a string by the char ';' example: mystring:='0;D;100'; I need: ts[0]='0' ts[1]='D' ts[2]='100' being ts a TStringlist variable. thanks... I'm in
Aug 21, 2002 #2 McMerfy Programmer Apr 18, 2002 186 RU Code: ts.Text := StringReplace(MyString, ';', #10, [rfReplaceAll]); Cheers --- markus Upvote 0 Downvote