I need to validate a textbox (The customers P.O. number) when I am entering a sales order.
I have been very set in my ways, and would usually have written some code to scan through my table of sales order headers XSORD (which is already open in the form with alias SORD), and see whether there is already a record with that ‘customer reference’; then display a warning message if that is the case.
But I wondered whether it would be better style to use SQL to do the job. Something like this.
WITH Thisform is in force. Their_ref and sales_order are fields in the XSORD.DBF table.
This appears to do the trick, but is it correct practice to use a cursor in this way? And does it matter that I am leaving the cursor lying around in the data session. I am not very experienced in using SQL.
Thank you. Andrew
I have been very set in my ways, and would usually have written some code to scan through my table of sales order headers XSORD (which is already open in the form with alias SORD), and see whether there is already a record with that ‘customer reference’; then display a warning message if that is the case.
But I wondered whether it would be better style to use SQL to do the job. Something like this.
WITH Thisform is in force. Their_ref and sales_order are fields in the XSORD.DBF table.
* November 2020. Check that the customer's order number is unique
* and warn the user if it isn't.
SELECT * FROM sord WHERE Account = .txtcustomer.value AND ;
Their_ref = This.Value .AND. sales_order <> .txtsalorder.value ;
MESSAGEBOX("This P.O. number duplicates that on our " + CHR(13) + ;
"Sales order " + T1.Sales_order)
This appears to do the trick, but is it correct practice to use a cursor in this way? And does it matter that I am leaving the cursor lying around in the data session. I am not very experienced in using SQL.
Thank you. Andrew