May 18, 2004 #1 Casbah Programmer May 18, 2004 31 IE What must I #include in my .cpp code to use ShellExecute? And do I need to link Shell32.lib? or anything like that? If so how do I do that? Thanks
What must I #include in my .cpp code to use ShellExecute? And do I need to link Shell32.lib? or anything like that? If so how do I do that? Thanks
May 18, 2004 #2 Cagliostro Programmer Sep 13, 2000 4,226 GB include windows.h. You don't have to add additional linker deppendencies to use ShellExecute. Ion Filipski Upvote 0 Downvote
include windows.h. You don't have to add additional linker deppendencies to use ShellExecute. Ion Filipski
May 18, 2004 Thread starter #3 Casbah Programmer May 18, 2004 31 IE nice one thanks. dont suppose anyone has anyideas why this isnt working for me? void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ShellExecute(0, "open", // Operation to perform "C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\textpad.exe", //Application name NULL, // Additional parameters NULL, // Default directory SW_SHOW); return; } Upvote 0 Downvote
nice one thanks. dont suppose anyone has anyideas why this isnt working for me? void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ShellExecute(0, "open", // Operation to perform "C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\textpad.exe", //Application name NULL, // Additional parameters NULL, // Default directory SW_SHOW); return; }
May 18, 2004 #4 Cagliostro Programmer Sep 13, 2000 4,226 GB use \\ instead of "C:\\Program Files\\TextPad 4\\textpad.exe", Ion Filipski Upvote 0 Downvote
May 23, 2004 #5 Hazor Programmer May 23, 2004 7 NZ I used the shell execute command in a program i just made lol! the file you need to include is: #include "shellapi.h" and an example shell execute syntax is: void CNTACCOUNTFINDERDlg::OnEditpass() { HINSTANCE hReturn; hReturn = ShellExecute( HWND_DESKTOP, "open", "ipc_pass.dic", "", "C:\\GNAF\\conf", SW_SHOW ); } Upvote 0 Downvote
I used the shell execute command in a program i just made lol! the file you need to include is: #include "shellapi.h" and an example shell execute syntax is: void CNTACCOUNTFINDERDlg::OnEditpass() { HINSTANCE hReturn; hReturn = ShellExecute( HWND_DESKTOP, "open", "ipc_pass.dic", "", "C:\\GNAF\\conf", SW_SHOW ); }
May 24, 2004 #6 Killa Programmer Oct 19, 2001 56 US Can anyone recomend a good tutorial on creating DLL files with a veiw to using the functions in the contained within the files IE making a call to a function within a compiled dll file or does anyone know the basics of what is involved ? Upvote 0 Downvote
Can anyone recomend a good tutorial on creating DLL files with a veiw to using the functions in the contained within the files IE making a call to a function within a compiled dll file or does anyone know the basics of what is involved ?
May 24, 2004 #7 Cagliostro Programmer Sep 13, 2000 4,226 GB >Killa with your question you should start another thread Ion Filipski Upvote 0 Downvote
May 24, 2004 #8 Killa Programmer Oct 19, 2001 56 US I Did this by accident i have started a new thread Upvote 0 Downvote