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Using SendObject to FAX Access Report problem

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Jul 22, 2002
Hi, EveryOne:

Is anyone konw?

Why when I used
Docmd.SendObject acReport,"Invoice",acFormatRTF,"[FAX:+1(456)2909876]",,,,,False

It suppose to open my outlook 2000, but for some reason, it open my outlook express.

Any idea will welcome.
Thanks advance

The problem is with Outlook 2000 (and above).
Microsoft have hobbled Outlook for security reasons.

The sendobject procedure no longer works. See their knowledgebase.

I am also desperately looking for an automated way of sending faxed reports from access and/or word.

There is a product called "outlook redemption" but my eyes "glaze over" as I read its literature.
Look at other mail programs. I know groupwise will do this (but mine has a fax and sms gateway)

Here is how I done this part. It is working perfet. I can auto fax hundred of fax at same time.
1. Install the "Fax Mail Transport" on your OutLook.( I suppose you have a moden installed on your computer)

2. at report design view setup your printer is FAX.

3. Modify code like bellow to suit for yours.

I hope it will help you.

Also thank you so much for everyone answer my question, it help me a lot. Now I would like to help others.

If you have any question about this issue, I would like to help you all.

Private Sub cmdFaxAll_Click()
Dim strSub As String
Dim cmdFax As ADODB.Command
Dim rsFax As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strRqt As String
Dim strFaxTo As String

strRqt = "Select * From QryFCarrierFax" ''==' WHERE CityCarrier Like 'D%'"

Set cmdFax = New ADODB.Command
cmdFax.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
cmdFax.CommandType = adCmdText
cmdFax.CommandTimeout = 10
cmdFax.CommandText = strRqt

Set rsFax = cmdFax.Execute()

If rsFax.EOF Or rsFax.BOF Then
MsgBox "No Carrier List Can Be Fax.", vbCritical, "Administrator"
Set rsFax = Nothing
Exit Sub
'DoCmd.Hourglass True
Do While Not rsFax.EOF
If Not IsNull(rsFax.Fields("CarrierFax")) Then
strSub = "" ''=="Request " & rsFax.Fields("CityCarrier") & "'s WSIB & Insurance"
strFaxTo = getFaxNum(rsFax.Fields("CarrierFax"))

DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "RptRequestWSIB", acFormatSNP, "[FAX:" & strFaxTo & "]", , , strSub, , False
End If

Set rsFax = Nothing
End If

End Sub

Function getFaxNum(strFaxNum) As String
Dim strFSQL As String
Dim rsFNum As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmdFNum As ADODB.Command
Dim strArea As String
Dim strPreF As String

strFaxNum = Replace(strFaxNum, "(", "")
strFaxNum = Replace(strFaxNum, ")", "")
strFaxNum = Replace(strFaxNum, "-", "")
strFaxNum = Replace(strFaxNum, " ", "")

'Me.txtFax = strFaxNum
''== check Long distance
strArea = Left(strFaxNum, 3)

Select Case strArea
Case "416"
getFaxNum = strFaxNum
Case "647"
getFaxNum = strFaxNum
Case "905"
strPreF = MID(strFaxNum, 4, 3)
''==MsgBox strPreF

Set cmdFNum = New ADODB.Command
cmdFNum.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
cmdFNum.CommandTimeout = 10
cmdFNum.CommandType = adCmdText

cmdFNum.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tblAreaRule WHERE PreFix=?"

Set rsFNum = cmdFNum.Execute(, strPreF)

If rsFNum.EOF Or rsFNum.BOF Then
''== not local number
getFaxNum = "1" & strFaxNum
''==Local number
getFaxNum = strFaxNum
End If
Set rsFNum = Nothing

Case Else
getFaxNum = "1" & strFaxNum
End Select
End Function

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