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Using SAS script importing data from textfile to PALO olap DB

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Jun 5, 2001
good day,

need to develop a SAS script to import data from a textfile
into PALO olap DB.

An example provided (using PHP) reads as follows:


define('HOST', '');
define('PORT', '7777');
define('USER', 'admin');
define('PASS', 'admin');

$connection = palo_init(HOST, PORT, USER, PASS);
// print_r($connection);

$cube = 'Data';
$dbname = 'DB_01';
// $number = palo_ecount($connection, $dbname, 'Dimensionsname');

$fp = fopen('export.txt','r');

$recno = 1;

while (!feof($fp)){
$line = fgets($fp, 2048);
list ($dim1, $dim2, $dim3, $dim4, $dim5, $dim6, $value) = split (chr(9), $line);

PALO_SETDATA($value, FALSE, $connection, $dbname, $cube, $dim1, $dim2, $dim3, $dim4, $dim5, $dim6);

$recno = $recno+1;
echo $recno . "<br>";


How would one go about and translate this into SAS-script?

Any assistance or help would be highly appreciated
Kindest regards
Are you able to get to the destination DB through SS/Access? There's a process called Proc DBLOAD which might be of use to you. I've used it a few times (some time ago now I'm afraid) to load data into Oracle. It's worth a shot.
Also, you can use proc SQL like this:-
 proc sql; 
  insert into &dbase..&table.
  from &source..&table)
where &DBLVARS is a list of the variables to be loaded (separated by commas). BULKLOAD=YES prompts SAS to use the bulkloader provided by the database system to load the data and is supposed to be really efficient for loading large chunks of data. I used this for uploading very large chunks of data for a migration project a few years ago and it worked really well. As I said though, this was for Oracle, so I don't know how well this transfers to other DBs.

Business Analyst, Code Monkey, Data Wrangler.
SAS Guru.
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