I am using replace to grab comma separated data and place this into a select command.
The value in the database would be like large,medium,small.
This works fine and produces the html
<select name='size'>
<option value=''>Please select</option>
That's been working fine but IE is having an issues with values not being specified on the options.
I am struggling to figure out how to take the CSV from the database to create a select including values on the options.
Can anyone help?
if not rs("size") = "" then
Response.write "Size: <select name='size'><option value=''>Please select</option><option>" & replace(rs("size"),",","</option><option>") & "</option></select><br /><br />"
end if
The value in the database would be like large,medium,small.
This works fine and produces the html
<select name='size'>
<option value=''>Please select</option>
That's been working fine but IE is having an issues with values not being specified on the options.
I am struggling to figure out how to take the CSV from the database to create a select including values on the options.
Can anyone help?