I have a form with code that I use to find records containing a search argument typed by the user.
The code resides in a small separate form used to type the search argument in and it works well. It will find any data in any control on a form that matches what the user typed. The form being searched can be in "form" or "datasheet" view, makes no difference.
Now I want to use this search form to search a subform on another form and cannot get it to work. If I open the subform by itself and set the "WITH" in the code to the subform name it will search the subform, but when the subform is opened on the main form it will not (I get errors and I am pretty sure it has something to do with exposing the subform and it's controls to the code.)
I'm hoping someone can help in setting up the reference to the subform when it is open on the main form so this code in the search form will work.
I have tried stuff like :
With Forms!OtherMain.OtherSubform.Form
With Forms("OtherMain).Controls("OtherSubform").Form
etc. etc.
Sometimes I get and error in the .Setfocus statement, Other times I get an error in the FindRecord statement. In either case I am sure the code just does not have access to the subform when it is open on the main form and need some guidance as to why it doesn't.
Here is the code.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private strLastFind As String
Private mstrFormToSearch As String
Private Sub Find_Click()
'Static strLastFind As String
Dim ctlFocus As Access.Control
Dim strTemp As String
Dim I As Integer
Private Sub Find_Click()
'Static strLastFind As String
Dim ctlFocus As Access.Control
Dim strTemp As String
Dim I As Integer
If IsNull(Me.txtfindwhat) Then 'txtfindwhat ' text box on form that users type search argument in
Exit Sub
End If
'with (mstrFormToSearch) 'normally a form ID set at form open
With Forms!OtherSubform 'OtherSubform is a form displaying data in datasheet view
Set ctlFocus = .ActiveControl
On Error Resume Next
strTemp = ctlFocus.ControlSource
If Err.NUMBER <> 0 Then
For I = 0 To .Controls.Count - 1
Set ctlFocus = .Controls(I)
Set ctlFocus = .Controls(I)
If ctlFocus.Enabled = True Then
strTemp = ctlFocus.ControlSource
If Err.NUMBER = 0 Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Next I
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End With
If Me.txtfindwhat = strLastFind Then
If SOG.Value = 1 Then 'SOG is a option box that the user selects search options(fwd/back) etc.
DoCmd.FindRecord _
Me.txtfindwhat.Value, _
acAnywhere, _
False, _
acSearchAll, _
False, _
acAll, _
strLastFind = Me.txtfindwhat
ElseIf SOG.Value = 3 Then
DoCmd.FindRecord _
Me.txtfindwhat.Value, _
acAnywhere, _
False, _
acUp, _
False, _
acAll, _
strLastFind = Me.txtfindwhat
ElseIf SOG.Value = 4 Then
DoCmd.FindRecord _
Me.txtfindwhat.Value, _
acAnywhere, _
False, _
acDown, _
False, _
acAll, _
strLastFind = Me.txtfindwhat
End If
'MsgBox "just set strLastFind = txtfindwhat"
End If
End Sub
The code resides in a small separate form used to type the search argument in and it works well. It will find any data in any control on a form that matches what the user typed. The form being searched can be in "form" or "datasheet" view, makes no difference.
Now I want to use this search form to search a subform on another form and cannot get it to work. If I open the subform by itself and set the "WITH" in the code to the subform name it will search the subform, but when the subform is opened on the main form it will not (I get errors and I am pretty sure it has something to do with exposing the subform and it's controls to the code.)
I'm hoping someone can help in setting up the reference to the subform when it is open on the main form so this code in the search form will work.
I have tried stuff like :
With Forms!OtherMain.OtherSubform.Form
With Forms("OtherMain).Controls("OtherSubform").Form
etc. etc.
Sometimes I get and error in the .Setfocus statement, Other times I get an error in the FindRecord statement. In either case I am sure the code just does not have access to the subform when it is open on the main form and need some guidance as to why it doesn't.
Here is the code.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private strLastFind As String
Private mstrFormToSearch As String
Private Sub Find_Click()
'Static strLastFind As String
Dim ctlFocus As Access.Control
Dim strTemp As String
Dim I As Integer
Private Sub Find_Click()
'Static strLastFind As String
Dim ctlFocus As Access.Control
Dim strTemp As String
Dim I As Integer
If IsNull(Me.txtfindwhat) Then 'txtfindwhat ' text box on form that users type search argument in
Exit Sub
End If
'with (mstrFormToSearch) 'normally a form ID set at form open
With Forms!OtherSubform 'OtherSubform is a form displaying data in datasheet view
Set ctlFocus = .ActiveControl
On Error Resume Next
strTemp = ctlFocus.ControlSource
If Err.NUMBER <> 0 Then
For I = 0 To .Controls.Count - 1
Set ctlFocus = .Controls(I)
Set ctlFocus = .Controls(I)
If ctlFocus.Enabled = True Then
strTemp = ctlFocus.ControlSource
If Err.NUMBER = 0 Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Next I
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End With
If Me.txtfindwhat = strLastFind Then
If SOG.Value = 1 Then 'SOG is a option box that the user selects search options(fwd/back) etc.
DoCmd.FindRecord _
Me.txtfindwhat.Value, _
acAnywhere, _
False, _
acSearchAll, _
False, _
acAll, _
strLastFind = Me.txtfindwhat
ElseIf SOG.Value = 3 Then
DoCmd.FindRecord _
Me.txtfindwhat.Value, _
acAnywhere, _
False, _
acUp, _
False, _
acAll, _
strLastFind = Me.txtfindwhat
ElseIf SOG.Value = 4 Then
DoCmd.FindRecord _
Me.txtfindwhat.Value, _
acAnywhere, _
False, _
acDown, _
False, _
acAll, _
strLastFind = Me.txtfindwhat
End If
'MsgBox "just set strLastFind = txtfindwhat"
End If
End Sub