So I've got a rather clunky validation system which runs through each char of form input and only adds it to "keep-me" string if it matchs a list of assci values. This has worked fine for chars like this eg
Why aren't they validating? Or is there a far superior system for validation? (I've not done AJAX, and my regexp is near nil)
$ascval = ord($thetext{$i});
if ($ascval == 126) { $allowed=1; }
if ($allowed == 1) { $newtext .= $thetext{$i};
This works for chars like these :
'"!$%^&*() -=_+[]{};:@#~ \|,<.>/?`
but when I got to these today they fail - they're supposed to be ord 128 & 163
Why aren't they validating? Or is there a far superior system for validation? (I've not done AJAX, and my regexp is near nil)