OK, here's my question. I ve been using Crystal for a long time and I'm hooked on SQL - stored procedures, views, doing queries, etc.
I've just started doing some stuff for a new company and they use a package called Logician - which is an Oracle backend.
There is nobody else in the office that knows anything about Oracle, and I need to be able to do more than what I can do now.
I know that in SQL you can do direct queries and create your own stuff on the back end -- (SQL Manager, etc) but WHAT IS THE ORACLE EQUIVALENT?
Tried doing some stuff in MS Query and Access - both run real, real slow (I want to do this on the backend so its faster and I can really work in there and SEE stuff...
How do I do this? What do I use? Any and all advice is very much appreciated!
LMC cryerlisa@hotmail.com
select * from Management where proj_mgmt_skills <> NULL
0 records returned
I've just started doing some stuff for a new company and they use a package called Logician - which is an Oracle backend.
There is nobody else in the office that knows anything about Oracle, and I need to be able to do more than what I can do now.
I know that in SQL you can do direct queries and create your own stuff on the back end -- (SQL Manager, etc) but WHAT IS THE ORACLE EQUIVALENT?
Tried doing some stuff in MS Query and Access - both run real, real slow (I want to do this on the backend so its faster and I can really work in there and SEE stuff...
How do I do this? What do I use? Any and all advice is very much appreciated!
LMC cryerlisa@hotmail.com
select * from Management where proj_mgmt_skills <> NULL
0 records returned