I currently use ADODB to connect to my database,
just reading an article, says the fast conneciton is OLEDB.
how can I use this ?
conn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=DEW;Database=hold;uid=hold;pwd=hold";
do Ineed to Set a server.createobject to anything ?
I have tried just adding the above line and it doesn't work.
thank you.
I currently use ADODB to connect to my database,
just reading an article, says the fast conneciton is OLEDB.
how can I use this ?
conn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=DEW;Database=hold;uid=hold;pwd=hold";
do Ineed to Set a server.createobject to anything ?
I have tried just adding the above line and it doesn't work.
thank you.