I have a problem with ODBC.
I made a simple report (just for test) with a connection to a local DB ( a DB on the same machine of RAS), and all is well.
Instead, if I modify ODBC properties (via ODBC administration tool) and I hook a DB on LAN, the report won't start, giving me a "webreporting.dll" error.
Looking through runtime properties, I have seen that
'connectioninfo.attributes.item("QE_logonProperties".item("DATABASE"' is null, as well report isn't able to translate LAN path, even if ODBC name is correct.
None has a tip for that strange behaviour?
Thanks in advance.
I have a problem with ODBC.
I made a simple report (just for test) with a connection to a local DB ( a DB on the same machine of RAS), and all is well.
Instead, if I modify ODBC properties (via ODBC administration tool) and I hook a DB on LAN, the report won't start, giving me a "webreporting.dll" error.
Looking through runtime properties, I have seen that
'connectioninfo.attributes.item("QE_logonProperties".item("DATABASE"' is null, as well report isn't able to translate LAN path, even if ODBC name is correct.
None has a tip for that strange behaviour?
Thanks in advance.