Is it possible, there must be, a way to use NT authentication using ASP in VB there is
(strUserID = Environ("USERNAME") but what about ASP and if you can how would I implement it. AJ
I would lose my head if it wasn't attached.
You can disable anonymous access to the website or virtual folder. When they login, you can do a Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER" and check to see if that is the user you want to logon. You could store a list of users in a db, and do a query saying SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='"& Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER" &';
It won't do much in the lines of making sure that only a certain group of users will get in, but it's a start.
Permission checker component is part of the range of server components installed default by IIS. It is used to determine whether the account under which the current user is accessing our site has permissions to access a file(in win NT/2000 only).
How to use it:
1. Turn off "allow anonymous access" in internet services manager for the site or a specific directory.
2.Now all users have to supply their account details. In windows explorer set up specific permissions on each file.
3. Instantiate the permission checker component in the page and check to see if the user has access to the specified resource.
Set objPermit=Server.createobject("MSWC.PermissionChecker"
If objPermit.HasAccess("filename" Then
'your code here
End if
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