I have been tasked with providing an NNM view of the network for the NOC. Providing the view is fairly straight forward, but giving them the best tool to view the map has turned out to not be. They (powers that be) do not like the Web browser view, because of the dual screen nature of the beast, and if I give them a remote console view in 'read only' mode, it does not update dynamically for the topology. If I give them a read/write map, they have a HUGE opportunity to really mess up my database, so I don't want to do that, as I have no control over the education levels of the NOC crew. Is there a way to give them a dynamic view that will satisfy them but not compromise the security on my database? I questioned the instructors at the NNM II class, and they know of no way to automate the refresh of the read only maps, so that killed that idea.